Beyond Blue Immigration Services

Australia Business Visa

f) Premium Investor stream

This provisional visa is for people who are nominated by Austrade and who invest at least AUD15 million in Australian investments and/or philanthropic contributions.

You must

With this visa, you can

g) Entrepreneur stream

For startup and early stage entrepreneurs who have been endorsed to develop their concepts and been nominated by a State or Territory government agency.

You must

With this visa, you can

3) Business Innovation and Investment (Permanent) visa (Subclass 888)

For entrepreneurs, investors and business owners to continue their activity in Australia.

a) Business Innovation stream (Subclass 888)

This visa lets holders of a Business Innovation and Investment (Provisional) visa (subclass 188) in the Business Innovation stream or the Business Innovation Extension stream, or holders of a subclass 444 (Special Category) visa, or certain holders of a subclass 457 (Business (Long Stay) visa, stay permanently in Australia.

You must

With this visa, you can

Newly arrived residents may have to wait before they can access certain Australian Government payments and benefits.

b) Investor stream (Subclass 888)

You must

With this visa, you can

Newly arrived residents may have to wait before they can access certain Australian Government payments and benefits.

c) Significant Investor stream (Subclass 888)

This visa lets you continue your investment activities in Australia permanently.

You must

With this visa, you can

Newly arrived residents may have to wait before they can access certain Australian Government payments and benefits.

d) Premium investor stream (Subclass 888)

This visa lets you continue your investment activities in Australia permanently.

You must

With this visa, you can

Newly arrived residents may have to wait before they can access certain Australian Government payments and benefits.

e) Entrepreneur stream (Subclass 888)

This visa lets holders and, in some cases, people who have held a Business Innovation and Investment (Provisional) visa (subclass 188) in the Entrepreneur stream, stay permanently.

You must

With this visa, you can

Newly arrived residents may have to wait before they can access certain Australian Government payments and benefits.
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